Wednesday, October 6, 2010

When there's no one there, should you still say something?

So I have three very excited followers - one is my partner (simultaneously obliged and supportive) and two lovely friends. There have also been the casual observers, possibly unwilling to commit... but have generously looked and posted.  I have asked many and slightly bullied some to join.  Not an overwhelming response to date but I trust time and continuous badgering will sort that out.

So here we are.  A few readers.  However, it does align with some interesting ideas I have been having recently.  If there are only a few people reading, should I still write? If the very people who are reading are my committed supporters and I'm preaching to the there still a point? If there are only 3 people in the audience of a young Indigenous artists performance should they still perform? Should they be given funding to perform?  Should the Indigenous community attend as a show of support?  Should people from outside the Indigenous community attend to learn, listen, enjoy and embrace another perspective of the world?  Obviously my response is yes.

So we plod along with 3 followers and the friends I nag.  Because those 3 will become 4, 5, 6, 60 - and those friends will think about and contribute on many aspects of Indigenous performance. Because hopefully my Indigenous friends will join, contribute and we will all share ideas on the issues we consider important and Indigenous performance will become an ingrained aspect of all our artistic interests.


  1. Write, write and continue to write! There's no wrongs with a write!!! It is all worth it dear Kat!

  2. Keep writing Kathleen! I'm just not quite sure what you mean by 'joining' the blog???

  3. Sorry all! I had somehow removed the "Follow Button". Try again!
