Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Here We Go...

I've started this blog....well because I think I should. I'm studying Indigenous Performance Practice and I need to start some conversations! I am desperate to speak about what I am reading and seeing, and I want people to tell me their thoughts. Educate me, criticise me, guide me, berate me. Collaborate, commiserate, correct, consult and confer with me - - but most importantly - contribute:)

I feel like i'm wading in territory I shouldn't be in. I'm White and this is an area that is murky... swampy really, and i'm just waiting to step on the wrong patch of smelly old swamp and have my left foot blown off. And, well you see, I don't like being nervous, afraid or told I can't talk about something. So here I am. Writing, talking, thinking, discussing.

So here is my Blog.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Contemporary Performance Practice (amongst emerging, urban artists) and Federal Government Funding 2000 - 2011. What are the effects?


1 comment:

  1. Good on you for bringing notice to an uinder commented aspect of our artistic society.
